Current research projects

Alzheimer's Association

"Automated Speech Analysis of Digitized Neuropsychological Tests in AD" (AARF-21-851126, $174,395)

Goal: Develop automated speech and language biomarkers to understand and diagnose Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment

Role on Project: Principal Investigator

Department of Defense (via Penn Frototemporal Degeneration Center)

"Automated Speech Analysis in FTD Spectrum Disorders" (W81XWH-20-1-0531)

Goal: Develop and test automated linguistic markers in patients with FTD Spectrum disorders, for diagnostic screening and longitudinal tracking.

Role on Project: Researcher

National Institutes of Health (via Center for Autism Research)

"Digitizing Human Vocal Interaction to Understand and Diagnose Autism" (1R01DC018289-01A1)

Goal: Identify and validate linguistic biomarkers to understand and diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder via automatic analysis of conversational interaction.

Role on Project: Researcher

Roche (via Center for Autism Research)

"Roche Voice Biomarkers"

Goal: Identify and validate stable voice biomarkers to distinguish children and adolescents with ASD from typically developing controls, using computational linguistics and machine learning.

Role on Project: Researcher